In the context of the celebration of the International Beach and River Cleanup Day which is commemorated every September 16, the collaborators of MercaSID and Induveca joined forces to contribute their grain of sand to the cause and participate in our annual Coastal Cleanup day on this occasion Playa Gringo, Bajos de Haina and Río Camú, Portón de Bayacanes, through Parley for the Oceans, a non-profit environmental organization that focuses on the protection of the oceans.
Group SID sends a reminder committed to sustainability through the hands and hearts of 40 volunteers from our Grupo SID to contribute a grain of sand to the environment, not only for current generations but for future generations.
“May this day serve as inspiration for us to discontinue the disposal of plastics, glass and foam in our rivers and beaches and to raise awareness about the generation of waste at a national and global level” were part of the words of Claudia Rodríguez, Corporate Director of Quality, Industrial Safety and Environment of Grupo SID.
Parley for the Oceans reported that the entire day in Playa Gringo where multiple organizations were part of in addition to the volunteers from Grupo SID, 1,360 kilograms of plastic and 134 kilograms of foam were collected.