Sustainability in Grupo SID

Our sustainable commitment

As leaders in our sector, at Grupo SID we are committed to transforming the industry towards sustainability. Our focus on the Sustainable Development Goals has led us to implement concrete measures to build well-being, committed to growth that integrates us all.

Although we have adopted practices that guarantee a balance between our actions as a business group and the environment, sustainability does not only encompass protecting natural resources. They are all those measures that we implement to satisfy the needs of the present without compromising the capacity of future generations, guaranteeing a balance between economic and social growth and care for the environment.

It is with this vision that at Grupo SID we have left traces, for almost nine decades, in the quality of life of people and communities through the Caminantes por la Vida foundation, EducaSID and the various housing construction programs, donations and support for organizations that work for the common good.

Likewise, we adopt energy efficiency practices and sustainable technologies in our facilities. We have two biomass furnaces, replace old and high-consumption equipment with high-efficiency devices, install solar panels in our production plants and collection centers, and continuously work to reduce the amount of waste we generate and improve its management.

Areas of sustainable impact



Committed with all the Sustainable Development Goals

Our focus

It is connected to the conservation of the environment, the protection of natural resources, social development, education and health; All this has entailed a real commitment at the entire organizational level.

Todos los sectores impactados

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