The vision of the Executive President
A leader has the extraordinary power to instill meaning in others. Each employee of Grupo SID represents a path of learning, growth, advancement, evolution, transcendence, and satisfaction.
We represent our greatest strength, so I invite you to join and continue building the Grupo SID Organizational Culture, which consists of personal and professional transformation that powerfully impacts how we do things and the results we can generate. This journey is based on a detailed tour of our five pillars: Differentiation, Excellence, Creativity, Passion, and Delivery, which we need to achieve our vision of the future.
This experience, where we are the main characters, is about challenging ourselves to be human beings capable of inspiring extraordinary results from the DIFFERENCE we make in people. It is about pursuing EXCELLENCE, ridding our team of any threats to our performance. It is about producing value through our CREATIVITY and generating the PASSION we need to make our best DELIVERY.

Ligia Bonetti
Executive President Grupo SID