Our path



From the beginnings of the “Dominican Industrial Society,” today, “Grupo SID,” its founder José María Bonetti Burgos, had the vision of creating a manufacturing industry of edible fats. With wisdom, he bet on investing in the future with a decisive attitude, intelligence, discipline, risk, and many sacrifices. This dream was joined by Jesús Armenteros Seisdedos and, later, Ernesto Vitienes Lavandero, from which our triad is born, the basis and root of what we are and where we come from. The legacy of our founders has already crossed three generations, and we are leading the path for the fourth generation, managing to keep alive and dynamic the origin of a vision and the continuous development of the corporate mission of Create Well-being. This has been possible thanks to a vocation for service and the passion and business commitment of those who have been part of this trajectory.

1937 It all started with a handful of peanuts in "La Manicera".

On July 1, 1937, was founded in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, the Dominican Industrial Society, C. por A. (SID) by José María Bonetti Burgos (Santana) and Jesús Armenteros Seisdedos, as a company that would be dedicated to the production of edible vegetable oils, at that time “La Manicera” was a vision, an idea, a dream of cultivating peanut seeds in fertile Dominican lands to develop the raw material of what would be your Great project. A project aimed to bring welfare to the community and, in turn, generate new jobs.

1941 “Lavador”

Manicero oil appeared in the Dominican market, a brand that would become an icon of Dominican culture over the years, whose name would be popularly used to refer to the company as “La Manicera”.

1968 “Crisol”

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (SID) launched Aceite Crisol (soybean oil). This brand, over the years, would not only consolidate itself as the favorite of the Dominican family but as a symbol of what that institution means for society.

1969 “Margarina Manicera”

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (SID) launched Margarina Manicera to the Dominican market, positioning itself as one of the favorites for Dominicans.

The Age of Diversification

1970 The Age of Diversification

The 70s were not easy; political, economic, and social difficulties soon brought to the table Santana’s two sons: José Miguel and Roberto, and with the help of their partners Enrique and José Manuel Armenteros, continued to expand their vision. Other international partners also joined this alliance, achieving necessary manufacturing process advances.

Diversification would be the keyword that defines this era where SID undertook corn milling projects and cleaning product manufacturing, which allowed them to continue opening important doors to achieve the best results.

1971 “Unilever”

SID and Unilever signed a technical and distribution advisory agreement. This agreement became an essential development pillar because it guaranteed the company’s international innovation and quality requirements, which, from this strategic alliance, would successfully face the future.

This agreement allowed the production of detergents and soaps to start, thus creating the division between hygiene and personal care.

1977 Harina de Maíz Mazorca

Another product that became an essential food of the Dominican family basket was launched on the Dominican market: Mazorca Cornmeal. In this way, it expanded its product portfolio, and the country began to identify with a company that cared about providing quality products with great nutritional value.

1979 “Diamante”

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (SID) launched Diamante oil. A port terminal is built to provide logistical support to the ships contracted by the company. In addition to receiving and handling liquids and grains, the port has significant storage capacity.

1980 “Induspalma”

In the 80s, the development of several agro-industrial projects began. With the firm intention of increasing the national production of edible fats, Induspalma Dominicana was founded, agroindustry dedicated to cultivating and processing African palm to produce palm oil and palm kernel. As a result, high production levels and efficiency were achieved, giving way to significant social development in the communities with which it interacts, Bayaguana, Monte Plata, and El Valle.

1985 “Flordom”and Tropical Citrus

In 1985, SID ventured into the fruit business with “Cítricos Tropicales,” a company dedicated to producing different types and varieties of citrus fruits.

That same year, Flordom was established in the mountainous communities of Jarabacoa and Constanza to conquer the international flower markets. It became the first flower-exporting company in the Caribbean.

1987 “Kellogg’s”

A distribution agreement was signed with the multinational Kellogg’s Caribbean to commercialize Kellogg’s cereals in the country.

1990 “Agrocítricos”

Agrocítricos began its operations in El Valle, province of Hato Mayor, a company dedicated to producing oranges of the Valencian variety with an extension of the land of more than 3000 planting tasks.

1991 “Maicera”

Dorina margarine and Manicera mayonnaise were launched.

1994 “Kimberly Clark”

Strategic alliances were strengthened with international companies and brands such as Figaro, Cargill, and General Mills, with brands such as Pillsbury, Häagen-Dazs, and Old El Paso. Trading in the Dominican Republic was thriving. Small, medium, and large companies opened their doors to various products. The Dominican consumer increasingly had options, so it was inevitable to continue undertaking and diversifying our offer. SID assumed the exclusive distribution of Kimberly Clark’s brands, thus expanding its product portfolio by bringing Dominican consumers its complete line of personal and home care with disposable diapers, feminine sanitary napkins, and toilet paper, which have become the first places of preference.

1995 “Hershey’s”

Hershey’s Food International and Pillsbury begin to be part of the Dominican Industrial Society (SID) product portfolio.

“Grano de Oro”

1996 “Grano de Oro”

“Grano de Oro” is launched in the Dominican market.

1997 “Fígaro”

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (SID) launched Margarina Mazorca and Aceite de Oliva Fígaro in the Dominican market.


1998 “Häagen-Dazs”

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (SID) began commercializing Häagen-Dazs ice cream, a product of its international ally General Mills. SID also launched that year La Morenita flour to the Dominican market.

1999 “MercaSID”

As part of the relevant changes in history, “MercaSID” was born to continue the tradition of leading brands in oils and margarine. This is how “La Tríada” (the Triad) was completed by welcoming and uniting the experience of the families Bonetti and Armenteros with the Vitienes family, great Dominican food producers.

MercaSID reinforced its leadership and developed edible products, offering the Dominican consumer various oils, margarine, mayonnaise, liquid seasonings, milk, flour, cereals, chocolates, and ice cream. In addition, the strategic sale of the hygiene and personal care products portfolio to Unilever Dominicana is completed.

2001 “Induveca”

In 2001 MercaSID and Industrias Veganas established a strategic alliance to continue the leadership in innovation, production, and distribution of meat products giving rise to a new company named Induveca, S.A.

The union with the Rivera family reinforced respect and pride for the Dominican Republic to continue offering the best of us to the whole country. Induveca provides the consumer with the widest variety of refrigerated product lines for the entire family, considering their tastes, lifestyles, and economy, and always with the highest quality. In that sense, it has developed the categories of salamis, hams, sausages, cured products, yogurts, and cheese.

2002 “Agua Crystal” y and Alliance with Campofrío

Control of the operations of Manantiales Crystal was acquired, directly entering the water market for human consumption. As a result, Agua Crystal was established, and the process of strengthening the brand as a pioneer in bottled waters in the country began.

Induveca started importing and distributing Campofrío products, a Spaniard brand with significant experience in delicatessen production.

2004 Nutra

In 2004 the powdered soy drink “Nutra” was born, marketed through MercaSID.

2006 "Caminantes por la Vida" and launch of new brands

“Caminantes por la Vida” began with the walk “Walkers for Life“, which arose to contribute to the education and promotion of early cancer detection. At the time, the initiative was attended by about 9,000 people. As a result, the “Caminantes por la Vida” Foundation and its programs aimed at fighting cancer were recognized and awarded as a model of social investment by the Regional Support Center for Latin America and the Caribbean of the United Nations.

Induveca expanded its product line by acquiring the national distribution of Yoka yogurt, a leading and pioneering brand in this area with more than 25 years of experience in the market. MercaSID added the most recognized brand worldwide within this category of oils: Mazola. The exclusive distribution of the Scott brand of Kimberly Clark is acquired, positioning its leadership within the toilet paper category. MercaSID started distributing Evian mineral water and launched the mayonnaise El Cocinero.

2007 “Grupo SID”

Sociedad Industrial Dominicana (SID) is consolidated this year as Grupo SID, a consortium of MercaSID, Induveca, Agua Crystal, and Induspalma. At the same time, it celebrated its 70 years, recognizing all employees with over ten years in the company, and launched the OlimpiSID sports games. This activity highlights Grupo SID’s core values: Growth, Service, Protect, and Sharing.

MercaSID received ISO 9001:2000 certification for meeting the highest standards in its quality system. This recognition certifies plastic product design, manufacture, and packaging excellence.

2008 “Kraft”

Grupo SID, through Induveca, begins to market nationwide the distribution and marketing of Kraft Foods and through MercaSID, the category-leading Ajax-Clorox brand.

2009 “Clorox”

Grupo SID acquired the Clorox brand and the Escogido Baseball Club team, consolidating sustained business leadership with a trajectory marked by the quality of its products and the prestige of its brands.

2010 New plants and brands

Induveca acquired the plant, brand, and distribution of Parmalat Dominicana, with its Parmalat milk and Santal juices products.

Continuing with the expansion plan in new businesses and the alliance between Grupo SID and Coastal, Grupo SID is associated with DIPSA, a supplier of petroleum-based fuels. With this alliance, the Next gas stations are born.

MercaSID partnered with SABMiller with its Miller Genuine Draft and Miller 64 products to grow its nationwide distribution network. They also joined the Red Bull Dominicana distributors’ network.

This year Grupo SID also built the chlorine packaging plant for the local manufacturer of Clorox.

2011 New certifications and affiliations

Agua Crystal was the first company in the Dominican Republic to be certified by NSF International, an organization dedicated to public health safety and environmental protection.

Grupo SID’s concern for sustained growth and harmony with protecting the environment and human resources led them to join the United Nations Global Pact. Furthermore, every year, Grupo SID has been presenting its “Communication of Progress” reports as another example of its purpose in favor of the lives of our consumers, employees, and society in general.

2012 New companies

Continuing with the expansion plan in new businesses and due to the alliance between Grupo SID and Coastal, Grupo SID was associated with the company DIPSA, a supplier of petroleum-based fuels. With this alliance, the Next gas stations were born.

2013 “Nature Valley”

Grupo SID, through MercaSID, acquired the distribution of General Mills with its brands: Nature Valley, Buggles, and Chex Mix.

2015 New Executive Presidency

Ligia Bonetti Du-Breil, part of this family business’s third generation, is appointed Executive President of Grupo SID. Grupo SID began building its renovated Organizational Culture, a personal and professional transformation process supported by five pillars: Differentiation, Excellence, Creativity, Passion, and Service. In addition, Grupo SID started seeking to expand the marketing process of its products, venturing into new markets in foreign territories. For these purposes, it created the Vice-Presidency of International Business and Export.

Grupo SID became the exclusive marketer of Diageo in the Dominican Republic. The detergent plant for producing the Thunder and Cielo Azul brands is also acquired. They launched Frescochito and Maroteo orange nectar to the Dominican market. Grupo SID’s companies were certified as Authorized Economic Operators (OEA)

2016 New brands and book

The Avena Americana brand and the Naturelle cheese plant were acquired.  For this same year, Grupo SID began the distribution of Henkel, one of the most recognized companies in home care. They also launched IceBreaker.

Grupo SID presented the book “Nueva Cocina Dominicana”. It gathers the essence of the country’s culinary art and has a new content of dishes that promotes Dominicanness.

2017 Year of the 80th Anniversary

Through MercaSID, the Hero brand was acquired, offering the Dominican family sweet, salty compotes, cereals, and cookies with the highest quality standards. In addition, Induveca achieved the exclusive distribution of Welch’s juices.

Grupo SID, in harmony with its business mission of creating well-being and continuing to strengthen its Social Responsibility projects, implemented the “Inclúyeme Me SID” Program, which offers work experience to people with disabilities. This program opens doors without distinction, allowing people with some disabilities to demonstrate their skills. Furthermore, celebrating their 80th Anniversary and their commitment to preserving the environment, Grupo SID launched the book “Las Palmas de la Española”.

2019 New Brands

MercaSID established an alliance with Royal Unibrew launching Faxe beer, Supermalt malt, Crodo flavored sodas and Polar Monkeys beer to the Dominican market. Frank’s and Viggielife sausages are added to the Induveca product portfolio. In partnership with LinkedIn, Grupo SID implemented its virtual training and development platform Crecer. The Code of Professional Conduct and Ethics was relaunched. Reiterating the commitment to restoring high-water basins in our country, Grupo SID signed with Fondo Agua Santo Domingo. Escogido Baseball Club launched the campaign “More Masculinity and Less Violence”

2021 Digital Transformation

With an avant-garde vision, Grupo SID entered the process of digital transformation. They strategically partnered with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to build the technological foundations for future growth by bringing more innovation and digital agility to Grupo SID.

Hand in hand with AWS, Grupo SID aims to maximize the use and exploitation of the information, automation, and omnichannel (unified interaction of channels), among other great benefits. It started with adopting world-class practices and technologies to make operations more efficient.

Together with the Ministry of Health of the Dominican Republic, Grupo SID installed its own Covid-19 Vaccination Center at Club El Manicero, supporting the Dominican government’s measures to inoculate the population in the shortest possible time.

Induveca, in support of the community, activated the platform “Induveca hace Historia en Tu Vida” (Induveca makes history in your life), achieving beautiful dreams that improve the quality of life of Dominicans.

Grupo SID presented the book “Sueños y Gloria,” a compilation of our Dominican baseball glories. Summa Magazine selects Aceite Crisol as the most powerful brand.

Committed with our society and all the families of the world

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